Audit Info
If your income tax return has been selected for an audit and you don't know why, it could very possibly be that the computer simply selected your number for audit or potentially your business is part of a compliance test program. Whatever the reason that the IRS has contacted you for an audit, doesn't necessarily mean it's time to panic.
Sometimes all the IRS requires are some missing documents, which is the reason for the audit and providing them may stop the audit from going any further. In any case, there are a few different kinds of audits and each occurs at different locations, which are good indicators as to how severe the audit is.

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The IRS is very familiar with the laws and regulations affecting you, and unless you’ve handled audit proceedings before, you most likely aren’t. They will take advantage of your inexperience.
An audit is akin to a court case, your outcome is generally indicative of your representation. We can help you even the playing field. K&K Tax Services can defend and validate your audited return. Being audited is stressful. We can help you avoid potential pitfalls and position your case for success.
Frequent Questions
Why is my business being audited by the IRS?

Generally, the IRS selects businesses for audit based on their market segment specialization program. That's generally auditing businesses by industry, so there's certain industries the IRS is actively pursuing, one of which is general construction, general contractor, anything in that industry. Second thing is retail business, and a third one in restaurants. Those are the ones the IRS is looking at right now. They're looking at for income tax audits, they're looking for payroll tax audits, they're looking for a failure to file 1099s. Those tend to be popular right at this time.
What Is The Statute Of Limitations On An Audit?
I’m already in the middle of an audit. Can you still help?
Do you help resolve old tax problems?
Our tax experts will represent you every step of the way through your audit. We know the latest tax laws; you can rest assured knowing that we pride ourselves on it.
Office Location
4645 Flat Shoals Pkwy #2
Decatur, GA 30034
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 9:00am-6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am-2:00pm